Article from Volume 3, Issue Number 1, 2022
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Easing of Covid Restrictions and Your Condo
By Lorena MacDonald | Other articles by Lorena MacDonald | Regular Column
Beginning in late March 2020, many Condominium Boards followed suggestions by the Department of Health to reduce contact in common areas. Function rooms, guest suites and fitness rooms were closed in most corporations. Social distancing plans for elevators and masks became and everyday way of life.
Now that restrictions are lifting, we need to ease back into our old way of life. Some residents are ready to put Covid behind them, while others are still cautious and not wanting to see all precautions lifted. Now more than ever, we need to all be patient with our neighbours and respect their decisions. Boards must find a way to re-open Common Spaces, while still keeping everyone safe.
Many new faces will be appearing, coming out from behind their masks. Many units sold in the last two years and without social functions most new owners have not had a chance to meet their neighbours. With the weather improving, maybe outdoor activities would be a great option to get to know new residents.
Be patient with differing opinions on how things should go back to normal. You may find some of the new rules that your corporation implemented are worth keeping. Give those who still wish to keep their distance, their space.
By Lorena MacDonald, CCI-NS BOD and Harbourside Realty
From Issue

Vol. 3, Issue 1, June 2022
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