CCI-NS Webinar - Managing Risk and Insurance
March 26, 202507:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Zoom
CCI NS Webinar - Managing Risk and Insurance
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 pm
A very important task of all boards is to assess the risk their corporations face and implement the appropriate measures to mitigate that risk. One of the biggest actions is ensuring your corporation has the appropriate insurance. This is a complex topic and tonight we’ll discuss how to assess your risk and insurance needs, including what types of insurance to have. We’ll also look at the responsibilities of owners having appropriate insurance and some of the issues corporations face when determining what a corporation pays and what an owner will pay when dealing with damage caused by fire, water, or other events. We will discuss the importance of a standard unit definition and how and when that is used.
Cost: Free for CCI Members thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.
Non-Members pay a nominal fee of $15.00.