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The following are definitions of each of the member categories:
Condominium Corporation Membership
Condominium corporation memberships are for registered corporations only. This type of membership includes all unit owners of a corporation.
- Condo Corp fee is $2.50 per condo unit (No. of condo units ____ x $2.50)
- Minimum fee per condo corporation: $ 40
- Maximum fee per condo corporation: $ 112.50
Business Partner Membership
Business Partner membership is for an incorporated company, partnership, sole proprietorship, agency, institution, firm or other business entity involved in the condominium sector.
- Business Partner Membership: $ 112.50
Professional Membership
Professional memberships are for individuals who derive a portion of income from serving the condominium industry and who are in a profession established by CCI as eligible for A.C.C.I. designations. Currently, eligible professions are accounting, appraisal, architecture, engineering, insurance, land surveying, law, property management and real estate.
- Professional Membership: $ 112.50
Individual Membership
Individual memberships are for any owner or occupant of a condominium unit or any other person interested in furthering the objectives of CCI.
- Individual Membership: $ 42.50
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