CCI-NS Webinar - Dealing With Rentals

May 28, 2025

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Zoom

2025-05-28 07:00 PM 2025-05-28 08:30 PM CCI-NS Webinar - Dealing With Rentals Zoom Atlantic/Bermuda


CCI NS Webinar - Dealing With Rentals

Date:   Wednesday, May 28, 2025

Time:   7:00 to 8:30 pm

Many corporations have owners that rent out their properties that can cause headaches to the Board of Directors and to other owners living in the premises. Tonight, we’ll discuss the most common issues with rental properties, what boards can ask of owners renting their properties, what boards can do if renters are not complying with the rules and the owner will not take appropriate action. We’ll also look at who has what responsibilities when it comes to issues with the renters, or the units being rented such as move ins/outs, damage to common areas, complaints. We’ll include the different kinds of renting and how that can affect the living environment: Short-Term Rentals, renting of rooms within units, and longer leasing of units.

Cost:  Free for CCI Members thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.
          Non-Members pay a nominal fee of $15.00.


Once you have successfully registered, you will receive an confirmation e-mail containing the Zoom link for joining the webinar.

We look forward to seeing you there.

CCI Nova Scotia

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#3 - 644 Portland Street, Suite 135, Dartmouth, NS, B2W 2M3