September 29, 2023 - CCI-Nova Scotia Chapter News

AGM a Success

We had a successful AGM on Wednesday evening.  Thank you very much to those who attended.  Your attendance ensured that we had quorum and were, therefore, able to conduct the business we needed to do.  Speaking of which, we would like to officially welcome back Tracey Wright who offered to run for another term and three new directors: Andrew Buchanan, Rob Purcell and Layton Dorey.   They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to add to an already powerful team.  We are very fortunate to have the Directors we do.

We would also like to thank Rob Mabe who finished his term but is still offering his support when he can. He was a valued member of our team and we look forward to continuing our work with him in a different capacity.  Our community is growing and we are improving our network of resources that will increase the value to our membership and our effectiveness as an organization. 

The education plan for 2023-24 is being published now.  Times and dates will be much the same as last year but we will be going to a webinar format.  We are discussing holding an in-person session for CM100 early in the new year.  Stand by for more details.

Our advocacy committee is being beefed up with new members and we expect to make even further progress In our efforts to represent your concerns to our legislators.  We have introduced a blog to bring you timely information that is of value to anyone involved in condominium operations and, last but not least, Nova Scotia will be hosting the CCI National Conference next spring.  More details to follow.

We have an exciting year coming up.  Looking forward to working with all of you as we make the best community we can.  If you know of someone in our condominium community that is not a member, spread the news about the value of membership and let’s see if we can bring them onboard.  This includes condo owners, property managers, lawyers, real estate agents, insurance brokers, construction and repair companies, anyone involved in condominium operations.  The more members we have the more influence we get to make our voices heard and create a more knowledgeable community about condominium operations.  See you soon.

Michael Kennedy
CCi Nova Scotia

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#3 - 644 Portland Street, Suite 135, Dartmouth, NS, B2W 2M3