Welcome to CCI - Nova Scotia Chapter

The Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) is an independent, non-profit organization formed in 1982. It is the national association serving as a central information clearinghouse on condominium issues and activities across the country. CCI is represented regionally by local chapters, such as the Nova Scotia Chapter. We assist members in operating successful condominium corporations through education, access to CCI programs and the CCI information and experience network.

Our mission is to cultivate and support a positive, strong and informed condominium community through the delivery of resources and guidance.


Legal Disclaimer and Limits To Assistance

The assistance of the CCI Nova Scotia Chapter can provide is limited to information. It has been mandated by CCI National that under no circumstances can we provide advice, due to the potential exposure to legal action.

The information we provide is not intended to be relied up on as advice, either directly or indirectly. Please ensure you retain your own professional advisors before taking any action. The author, the Nova Scotia Chapter, and the Canadian Condominium Institute will not be held liable for any action resulting from the comments or recommendations contained herein. Opinion provided is done so in good faith without malice.

Our telephone number will still provide information on membership, courses and other events. We are no longer able to answer questions which involve disputes or legal issues. Questions should be submitted in writing for consideration, with members receiving priority service. Please submit questions via mail, email or by fax. However please note the following restrictions:

The Chapter reserves the right to deny service at any time and at their discretion.


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© 2025 CCI Nova Scotia Chapter
#3 - 644 Portland Street, Suite 135, Dartmouth, NS, B2W 2M3