Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'


Going from Zero to Net Zero - A Condo’s Guide to Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

By Mark MacDonald | Other articles by Mark MacDonald

Interest in owning an Electric Vehicle (EV) may vary from condo to condo but one thing is for sure, they’re coming. We don’t have to look further than the available stats.


Common Element Rules – A Corporation’s Superpower

By unknown | Other articles by unknown

The world can change quickly, as we have all realized firsthand over the last two years. The governing documents of a condominium, however, are not always as quick to respond to change.


Condominium Act Amendments Passed

By Dan Campbell | Other articles by Dan Campbell

On March 25, Hon. Colton Leblanc, the Minister responsible for the Condominium Act, introduced Bill 106 in the Legislature. With Nova Scotia’s usual fast legislative process, it was approved on April 7. It will come into effect only when it is proclaimed by the Government.


How Is Your Property Manager Doing? A Checklist

By unknown | Other articles by unknown

Multi-unit condominiums often have professional managers running their operations. The relationship between corporation and manager is covered by a management agreement. These management agreements are helpful to review when the board is looking to evaluate the work done on behalf of the corporation by the property manager.


Condo Demand Increasing

By Lorena MacDonald | Other articles by Lorena MacDonald

Demand for Condos is increasing in Nova Scotia. After a period of time where developers chose to build apartment complexes, rather than condominium units, the demand is back and folks would rather own than rent.


Check Your Liability Insurance Coverage for Water Damage

By Dan Campbell | Other articles by Dan Campbell

All condominium owners should check their personal insurance policies to ensure they are not exposed to claims by their condominium corporation that will not be paid by insurance.


CCI-NS Education Programme 2021-2022

By Michael Kennedy | Other articles by Michael Kennedy

With the positive experience we had last year with the Education Programme we are continuing to offer our seminars for free to members via Zoom.


Records: To Provide or Not to Provide, THAT IS THE QUESTION

By Devon Cassidy | Other articles by Devon Cassidy

Within a condominium corporation, communication and disclosure is very important. Owners want to be informed as to the goings-on in their building and want to understand what has gone on in the past, so they can understand their investment. For this reason, the records of a corporation are very important.


Condominium Terms and Concepts: A Primer

By Patrick I. Cassidy | Other articles by Patrick I. Cassidy

The world of condominiums is a unique form of property development and community living. It has its own cultural norms and language terms. There is also a hierarchy of authorities in condominiums.


Top Considerations for Deciding Between Special Assessment, Loan, or Deferring a Major Project

By Rob Mabe | Other articles by Rob Mabe

A condominium corporation with major repair or remediation needs and not enough Reserve Funds is faced with difficult decisions. Here are some of the important questions the Board should consider if faced with the tough choice between special assessment, loan or deferral:


Why Educate?

By Michael Kennedy | Other articles by Michael Kennedy

In 2007 I bought my condo unit. It was the first time I owned one and the first time I lived in one. I read all the required documents and thought I was prepared. I thought that since it was a requirement to sign as accepting the conditions as laid out in the ruling documents that everyone understood them and would abide by them. Boy, was I naïve.


How Do We Change the By-Laws?

By Sharon Gutnik | Other articles by Sharon Gutnik



Pets in Condos: Dogged if You do, Dogged if You Don’t

By Patrick I. Cassidy | Other articles by Patrick I. Cassidy

Why does the word “dog” compel heated debate when combined with the word condominium? In the interest of full disclosure, I am the owner of a lovely, 65-pound, Lab called Riley. Also, I am allergic to cats.


Condominium Insurance and Risk Management

By Edmund Nix | Other articles by Edmund Nix

Over the past two years Nova Scotia condominium corporations have experienced increased premiums and deductibles and now find there are fewer options in the insurance marketplace.


That Bloomin’ Neville! Create Your Own “View”

By Editor | Other articles by Editor

We have all been spending a LOT more time in our homes this year than we usually have, and I know many have used the time to decorate and embellish their homes and balconies. Plants were (and still are!) hot musthaves and now we cannot enjoy our petunias and geraniums outside, it doesn’t mean we have to completely do without something pretty to enjoy looking out at.

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Vol. 3, Issue 1, June 2022
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